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Outsourcing Human Management

28 years of business service

Human Resources Outsourcing: aspects you should know about this service


Sometimes, leaving some tasks of the Human Resources department in the hands of experts, such as the selection and retention of your collaborators, can be a relief for your company. Find out what Human Resources outsourcing is all about.


Surely you have already heard about the outsourcing of Human Resources and its benefits.  It is not a new term and more and more companies decide to outsource some management services and management of their human talent.


whatWhy? It is an option that allows them to optimize resources and time, while helping to increase the productivity of their teams. 


Outsourcing refers to the tasks that a company or organization delegates to a third-party company.


In other words, it is a subcontracting process by which the management of certain services is entrusted to an external company. 


Let us know then what the outsourcing of human resources is about, specifically.


What is Human Resources outsourcing?


Hiring a consulting and HR expert company to carry out not only personnel management functions, but also improvements in human talent management policies in your company.


This is a practice that is being adopted by more and more companies that want to reduce some administrative burdens so that their Human Resources departments can focus more on strategic retention and motivation programs.


For this reason, in this context, outsourcing must be understood as a key element for the productive and competitive improvement of companies, since it allows them to: 


Focus your efforts on the core of your businesses.

Entrusting to third parties those administrative or support tasks that do not generate direct added value.

Among the most common services offered by HR outsourcing companies, there is the selection and evaluation of candidates for the recruitment of personnel, but not only that.



What does an HR outsourcing company offer?


Recruitment and selection of personnel.

Personalized solutions for each of your workers.

Linkage with all compliance with the law.

Implementation of labor welfare strategies.

Advice on health and safety plans at work.

Contract termination management.

Creation of salary structures and policies.

Measurement of performance, culture and work environment. 

Creation and execution of recognition, motivation and training plans.


The human resources outsourcing service is when an external company is hired to manage the recruitment processes, personnel selection, performance evaluations and everything related to the administration of human resources.

Hiring an expert HR company will help you obtain improvements in the management of your company's human talent.


It is the outsourcing of services, in which an external company is in charge of the management and administration of Human Resources of the company that hires it.

It is a specialized service, which is supported by information technologies, to carry out the entire personnel recruitment process, from attracting and selecting candidates, hiring them and monitoring these personnel within the company.

If you want to hire a specialized Human Resources administration service that gives you peace of mind, Patricia Baez Company has the best professionals and several years of experience helping companies and businesses in managing their personnel._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_


Human Resources Outsourcing


Benefits and advantages of Human Resources Outsourcing:

Some of the benefits and advantages of acquiring a Human Resources administration service for your company are:

      _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-1356 on time and costs reduction

By outsourcing this service you will be able to save in fixed administration costs, as well as in the investment of personnel, technological resources, as well as in the facilities.

 Besides, process management will be faster and more effective.

      _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-1358d Professionalism and experience

By having professionals who are in charge of managing your company's human talent, you will be able to count on trained and suitable personnel for the different positions in your company, since they have rigorous selection processes.

In addition, you will have professionals who are up-to-date on the latest developments and trends in human resources and will be able to advise and accompany you on everything related to the human talent of your company.


By having a human resources outsourcing service, you can count on the best technology, since these companies have up-to-date software and information systems.

      _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3c_1356 Rapidity:

The companies in charge of offering this service have established processes for all human resources processes.

They have extensive experience in the recruitment and selection of personnel, therefore, they will fill the vacancies that are available in your company in a few days.

We tell you the main functions of this service:


      _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-1358 Personal recruitment and recruitment

Elaboration of work contracts.

Personnel training

Job descriptions

Performance evaluations.

Psychometric knowledge and knowledge assessments

Workplace health and safety advisory plans

Work climate measurement.

      _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3d5cf-1356 labor welfare plans.


Who is a good provider?

To choose a good human resources outsourcing service provider, you must take into account the years of experience in the subject of human talent management of the company to hire.

You must take into account if the company to hire has defined processes in personnel management.

Now that you know what HR outsourcing is all about, you may have a clearer idea of what to consider when looking for a provider that provides this service.


Visit our website y learn about the services we offer for your company or business.

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